Who are we?

Welcome to the Pays*x 010 Project!

Who are we?

The Pays*x 010 project is part of the Expertise centre Sexuality, Sex work and Human Trafficking Center (ESSM: Expertisecentrum Seksualiteit, Sekswerk en Mensenhandel) of Humanitas Foundation. From the ESSM support is provided to (men) sex workers through our team of specialized social workers and experts by experience. This concerns sex work in the broadest sense of the word; pay dating, escorting, webcamming, erotic performing, pornography, sugar dating – you name it! The ESSM is a social welfare institution that operates from a sex work-positive perspective where we see sex work as work, regardless of whether someone is a full-time, part-time, or incidental sex work professional. We stand up against discrimination and stigmatization of sex workers.

The following people are involved in the implementation of the Pays*x 010 project.

Anke: Anke works at Door2Door, the community centre for sex workers in Rotterdam, where free and anonymous information, workshops and support are offered. Besides this she works as an educator, for example by offering training to social and medical professionals about supporting sex workers without judgement. Together with Frank she regularly visits places, online and offline, where sex workers might be active.

Frank: Besides working with Anke, Frank also runs the Transchoir010. The Transchoir010 focusses on providing a place for trans people to connect through music and song. You can also run into Frank on online platforms like Grindr and Bullchat where he is available to help provide answers to any questions you might have. You can contact us at any time if you want more information about the project or if you want to ask something about sex work. You can click on our names to send a direct whatsapp message, or email us through paysx@stichtinghumanitas.nl

You can contact us at any time if you want more information about the project or if you want to ask something about sex work. You can click on our names to send a direct whatsapp message, or email us through paysx@stichtinghumanitas.nl

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